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location_onFujikawaguchiko, Japan
Fujikawaguchiko, Japan
Mã sản phẩm: AMGI5X
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local_activityVoucher và email xác nhận sẽ được gửi trong vòng 1 phút.
access_timeTổng thời lượng: 4 tiếng 15 phút

河口湖周辺の桜の名所を巡る半日バスツアーです。桜が咲く4月初旬から中旬までの期間限定商品です。富士山と桜の名所を効率よく回ることができます。 This half-day bus tour takes you to famous cherry blossom viewing spots around Kawaguchiko. This is a limited time offer from early to mid-April when the cherry blossoms are in bloom. Fuji and cherry blossom viewing spots can be visited efficiently.

Chọn mục


* Chi phí thực tế căn cứ theo hiển thị tại trang thanh toán

Điểm nổi bật

①新倉山浅間公園は、五重塔と富士山・桜がみられる人気スポット Arakurayama Sengen Park is a popular spot for viewing the five-story pagoda, MtFuji.

②富士山の雪解け水が数十年の年月を湧く忍野八海 Oshinohakkai, where water from the melting snow of MtFuji.

③河口湖北岸の湖畔遊歩道を散策しながら200本ほどのソメイヨシノと河口湖、そして富士山のコラボレーションを満喫 Enjoy the collaboration of about 200 Someiyoshino cherry trees, Lake Kawaguchi, and MtFuji.

Thông tin trải nghiệm

新倉山浅間公園 新倉山浅間公園内には約650本の桜が植えられ、展望台からは富士山と五重塔・桜を目的に多くの花見客で賑わいます。公園内の新倉富士浅間神社は慶雲3年(705年)に創建され、災除け・家庭円満・安産・子育ての神として広く信仰を集めています。桜の見ごろは例年4月初旬~中旬 Arakurayama Sengen Park is planted with approximately 650 cherry trees and attracts many visitors who come to view the cherry blossoms from the observatory and the five-story pagoda and Mt. The Niikura Fuji Sengen Shrine in the park was built in 705, and is widely worshipped as a god of protection against disaster, family happiness, safe delivery, and child rearing. Cherry blossoms are usually at their best from early to mid-April.

忍野八海 富士山に降り積もる雪解け水が、地下の溶岩の間で数十年の歳月をかけてろ過され、澄み切った水となり湧き出る忍野八海。美しく神秘的であり、移り変わる四季に彩られた富士と新名庄川沿いに咲く桜の景色を鑑賞できます。桜の見ごろは例年4月中旬~下旬 Oshinohakkai, where meltwater from the snow falling on Mt. Fuji is filtered over decades between underground lava rocks to become crystal clear water and gush forth. Fuji and the cherry blossoms along the Shinnasho River, which are beautiful and mysterious and colored by the changing seasons. Cherry blossoms are usually at their best from mid to late April.

河口湖北岸の湖畔 河口湖北岸の円形ホールにほど近い湖畔には、桜並木で有名な遊歩道があります。約200本のソメイヨシノの桜並木を散策しながら河口湖とその向こうに見える富士山を堪能してください。桜の見ごろは例年4月初旬~中旬 On the north shore of Lake Kawaguchi, near the round hall, there is a promenade famous for its rows of cherry blossom trees. Enjoy Lake Kawaguchi and the view of Mt. Fuji beyond as you stroll along the rows of approximately 200 Someiyoshino cherry trees. Cherry blossoms are usually at their best from early to mid-April.

Phục vụ thuyết minh

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Lịch trình

  • 09:15富士観光ビル1階で受付後、富士観光ビル駐車場よりバス出発
  • 09:30バスは下吉田駅前で下車~徒歩で新倉山浅間公園へ(滞在時間80分~バス降車場所からの移動を含みます)
  • 11:15忍野八海を時間まで自由散策(滞在時間50分)
  • 12:30河口湖桜まつりを時間まで自由散策(滞在時間45分)
  • 00:00河口湖駅まで戻り~解散

Phí chi tiết

Tour 1 ngày
Hướng dẫn Audio
Xe bus
Phí đỗ xe

Cách sử dụng

  • Voucher điện tử sẽ được gửi đến Email cho quý khách. Vui lòng xuất trình e-voucher đó để sử dụng dịch vụ

Thông tin quan trọng

最少催行人数は、15名となります。 ご出発の6日までに最少催行人数に達しない場合は、ツアー催行中止となります。 The minimum number of participants is 15. If the minimum number of participants is not reached by 6 days prior to departure, the tour will be cancelled.

Chính sách huỷ

Thời gian trước ngày đã chọn/ Phí huỷ
  • Huỷ trước 7 ngày trở lên so với ngày đã chọn,hoàn phí toàn bộ (100%)
  • Huỷ trước và trong khoảng 1 ~ 6 ngày so với ngày đã chọn,thu phí thủ tục
  • Huỷ trong ngày đã chọn,không thể hoàn phí (0%)

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